Thank you from the TCD Student Group

Thank you from the TCD Student Group
May 2, 2024 Comments Off on Thank you from the TCD Student Group Events, TCD student group Patricia Delamonica Sampaio
We would like to thank the TCD community very much for attending our Taste of the Tropics on Sunday, April 28th!  As expected, it was a great gathering. We shared good food and had lots of fun while collaborating as a community with the TCD program.  We want to thank our TCD program coordinators, faculty who helped with judging, and every volunteer who collaborated, cooked, helped with logistics and donations, and performed every task before, during, and after the event. Your presence and contributions were not only significant but also the very essence of this fundraising event.

We couldn’t have achieved this success without you! Let’s keep in touch.

We look forward to seeing many more of you connect with the TCD student group activities next academic year!