Tropical Conservation & Development Program
UF Center for Latin American Studies
Congratulations to Bette Loiselle!! Dr. Loiselle is the recipient of the 2018 Brewster Award from the American Ornithological Society. The William Brewster Memorial Award is given annually to the author or co-authors of the most meritorious body of work (book, monograph, or series of related papers) on birds of the Western Hemisphere published during the past ten
Participation as a virtual guest speaker in a K-12 classroom The Outreach Office of the Center for Latin American Studies has a special request for your participation as a virtual guest in a K-12 classroom. The Virtual Guest Speaker Initiative through the Center’s Outreach Office is designed to bring an international or national expert into
Lectures by guest speaker, Dr Carlos Nobre The Center for Latin American Studies, the Tropical Conservation and Development Program, Department of Geography, Florida-Brazil Linkage Institute, and UF Biodiversity Institute welcome Dr. Carlos Nobre to the University of Florida from 26-30 March 2018. Dr. Nobre will give two talks and be involved in several informal discussions during the week, and
Nominations Open for TCDsg Officers: President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Tropilunch Coordinator Regional Representatives (Asia, Africa, Latin America) Nominees should be current UF students who participate in TCD. Nomination Deadline: 23 March, 2018. Email nominations (name and role) to: President: – Initiate and preside over TCDsg meetings and events – Serve as an authorized
Taste of the Tropics Mark your calendars for Saturday March 31st at 6:00 pm. Our famous cooking competition will take place at Bette Loiselle & John Blake’s house (3440 NW 27th Place, Gainesville FL.). The objective of the event is to raise funds that will be used for scholarships for TCD students. Please sign up here
UF Faculty describe the struggle facing an indigenous tribe living alongside the Tapajos River in the Brazilian Amazon Robert Walker and Cynthia Simmons published in the Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development journal an article entitled “Amazonia threatened: an indigenous tribe fights against the development of the hydroelectric plant in the Tapajós Valley“. Editors selected