Tropical Conservation & Development Program
UF Center for Latin American Studies
Taste of the Tropics Mark your calendars for Saturday March 31st at 6:00 pm. Our famous cooking competition will take place at Bette Loiselle & John Blake’s house (3440 NW 27th Place, Gainesville FL.). The objective of the event is to raise funds that will be used for scholarships for TCD students. Please sign up here
UF Faculty describe the struggle facing an indigenous tribe living alongside the Tapajos River in the Brazilian Amazon Robert Walker and Cynthia Simmons published in the Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development journal an article entitled “Amazonia threatened: an indigenous tribe fights against the development of the hydroelectric plant in the Tapajós Valley“. Editors selected
Research Grant Recipients Three University of Guyana students receive research grants for natural resource management. The University of Guyana in collaboration with the University of Florida and the World Wildlife Fund-Guianas is proud to announce that three students, Ms. Wilda Hungito, Mr. Mark Ram, and Ms. Nadia Hunte, will receive research awards in support of
TCD and The Center for Latin American Studies would like to invite you to the 2016 Marianne Schmink Dissertation Awardee special seminar Tourism consumption of biodiversity: Thatch huts & tropical forest management By Dr. José Antonio Sierra Huelsz 2016 Marianne Schmink Outstanding Dissertation Awardee* Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:30 am — 12:30 pm Grinter Hall – Room
Working with acoustic data is a challenge that can be paralyzing due to the volumes of data generated that needs to be processed. Dr. Bruce Miller, a bat acoustics expert, took us on an exciting journey during the workshop “Bats Equal BIG DATA Challenges” at the University of Florida on 1 February 2018 in collaboration with
PhD student presents work supported by TCD Program Ana Luiza Violato Espada, a 2nd-year PhD student of School of Forest Resources and Conservation with concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development at University of Florida (UF) is participating in the 24th Annual International Society of Tropical Foresters Conference at Yale University, New Haven, February 1-3, 2018.