Recordings: Bat Acoustic Workshop

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Recordings: Bat Acoustic Workshop
February 5, 2018 News Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Working with acoustic data is a challenge that can be paralyzing due to the volumes of data generated that needs to be processed. Dr. Bruce Miller, a bat acoustics expert, took us on an exciting journey during the workshop “Bats Equal BIG DATA Challenges” at the University of Florida on 1 February 2018 in collaboration with

PhD student presents work supported by TCD Program
February 3, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

PhD student presents work supported by TCD Program Ana Luiza Violato Espada, a 2nd-year PhD student of School of Forest Resources and Conservation with concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development at University of Florida (UF) is participating in the 24th Annual International Society of Tropical Foresters Conference at Yale University, New Haven, February 1-3, 2018.

TCD Spring Party
January 25, 2018 News Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

We are hosting our first party for the semester and Karen Bailey is hosting the party this year, thank you! When: January, Friday 26th Time: 8pm Where: 3709 SW 15th St. We will have beer and wine and request $ 5 for cover charges. This will allow us to cover our costs. Please bring cash

Fieldwork Festival
January 23, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

The University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies cordially invites you to participate in a Fieldwork Festival. February 9, 2018. ||  1:00 – 4:30pm ||   Reitz Union (rooms 3315 & 3320) The festival begins with an interactive workshop designed to build on and develop fieldwork skills and strategies for research, practicum and internship projects. Following,

Women’s workshops at the 12th Gender Summit
January 10, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Women’s workshops at the 12th Gender Summit 2017 After 3 workshops developed in Gainesville (Florida, USA), Quito (Ecuador) and Puerto Iguazú (Argentina), the organizing team of the workshops “Women in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges in Latin America” was invited to participate in a round table at the 12th Gender Summit (and the

TCD members publish PLOS Biology paper
December 13, 2017 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

“As science becomes more international, scientific editorial boards lag behind”  UF TCD PhD Candidate Johanna Espin, UF TCD Faculty Emilio Bruna and others report lack of diversity in editors ​of major scientific journals. Read article here. Press Release