Tropical Conservation & Development Program
UF Center for Latin American Studies
For nearly 40 years TCD has been convening UF students, faculty, alumni and partners in the theoretical and practical advancement of tropical conservation and development through interdisciplinary research approaches and collaborative learning. TCD is recognized internationally as a key university program preparing the next generation to be agents of change to advance conservation, sustainable resource
The paper Gobernanza de proyectos de infraestructura: pueblos tradicionales y estrategias de conservación y sostenibilidad en la Amazonía recently published on the Canadia Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies is a product of the Moore grant and highlights the collaborative learning process of the GIA project. Several UF TCD students and faculty were authors
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 20243:00-5:00 PM EST (VIRTUAL PANEL) Register HERE Dr. Paula Ungar, Senior Environmental Social Scientist Keller Science Action Center, The Field Museum As a biologist, Paula has explored the intersection of different forms of knowledge and biodiversity conservation. With experience in National Natural Parks of Colombia and NGOs, she focused on the Colombian
How do you tell the story using multiple media. The course was offered by Dr. Gabrielle Salazar, an environmental social scientist and conservation photographer. We are thrilled to share one of the final products of the course that highlights the conservation and restoration of UF’s McCarty Woods. The story map was produced by Mariela Pajuelo,
Dr. Faisal MoolaUniversity of Guelph and The Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 20233:00-4:40 PM UF Biodiversity Institute Auditorium,432 Newell Drive, CISE Bldg E251 Register here to have access to zoom meeting!
This workshop aims to facilitate a discussion about the expectations, challenges, and realities of fieldwork while examining approaches that are more inclusive of local communities and collaborators.Topics to be discussed: WED. NOV. 1, 3:00 – 4:30 pmReitz Union – G330 Happy hour social to follow.@ First Magnitude Brewery!1220 SE Veitch St., Gainesville