Author: Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

2017 Schmink Outstanding Dissertation Awardee presenting special Tropilunch on Indigenous mobilization and livelihoods in Brazilian Amazon
October 16, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Thaissa Sobreiro, the 2017 winner of the Marianne Schmink Outstanding Dissertation Award will be in Gainesville to present her dissertation “Indigenous mobilization and multi-local livelihood strategies in the Middle Rio Negro, northwestern Brazilian Amazon” during a Special Tropilunch in October. Dr. Sobreiro received her PhD in Interdisciplinary Ecology

Nature art activity available for TCD community
October 15, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Would you like to take a break and let nature inspire your creativity in a different way than to study for courses, read papers and write grants? TCD is offering two activities for you to choose from: Mandala coloring (from UF counseling and Wellness Center) and rubber stamp carving for printmaking (see images and descriptions

TCD alumna publishes research on Evaluating biodiversity workshops & promoting conservation in Chile
September 19, 2018 News Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Hot off the press! “Evaluating biodiversity workshops in Chile: are farmers responding with conservation action? just published in Environmental Education Research. #MarcelaMarquez received her PhD from UF IFAS Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and is part of the @TCD_UF community – in fact former President of the TCDsg ! Congratulations Marcela, Susan and Olga!  Marcela Marquez,

TCD co-organizes Workshop “Peoples of the Forest” as part of the Belém+30 Congress
September 6, 2018 News Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Indigenous and traditional peoples share innovative juridical and technological tools for territorial management in the Belém+30 Congress For more information and access to the Workshop’s report, visit the event’s website or watch the event’s video. Last month, in an unprecedented collective effort, the Workshop Peoples of the Forest: Connections and Self-determination – Juridical and Technological Tools

TCD students and faculty publish on how biases may influence conservation science
September 5, 2018 News Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Mongabay has recently highlighted a study by TCD students Johanna Espin, Alyssa Cho & others and TCD Faculty Emilio Bruna on how “implicit gender, racial biases may lead to preventing a diversity of perspectives from being heard, and lessen chances of solving pressing conservation problems.

2018 TCD Annual Orientation & Gathering *New Venue*
August 27, 2018 featured Patricia Delamonica Sampaio

Friday, August 31, 12:30 – 4:30 w/ lunch Terrace Room, UF Norman Hall *New venue* WHO * Everyone is welcome to attend! Any student and faculty member with interest in ‘conservation and development’ whether they are pursuing a TCD certificate or not. * If you already consider yourself a TCD student, please invite others that