Step 1
- Apply here for admission to the TCD certificate through the Office of Admissions in the beginning of your degree program (Note that UF requires you to pay a fee of $30 plus a $7 processing fee.)

- Contact the TCD Academic Advisor to discuss your study plan (If you are a MDP student, there is no need to contact the Academic Advisor)
- Fill out the ‘new’ online TCD enrollment form
- Email the TCD Program Coordinator to let her know that you have applied so she can admit you to the TCD certificate. After a week, you should be able to see it. If not, please check back with her.
Step 2
- Check in with the TCD Academic Advisor half way through your degree to see if you are on track with the required coursework (Again, if you are a MDP student, you can skip this step.)
Step 3
- In the semester that you are graduating, apply here for the final step before receiving your TCD certificate (see instructions of how to apply by watching this simulation or reading this).
- Email the TCD Program Coordinator to confirm you are graduating that semester and send a copy of your UF transcript (unofficial copy ok).
- Inform the Graduate Coordinator of your home department
The deadline to input this information is the mid-point of the semester of graduation, but students are encouraged to inform TCD and their home departments as early as possible.
- For questions related to TCD, please send a message to
- For help with technical issues with the application process, contact the UF Computing Help Desk at 352-392-HELP or
- For general assistance regarding certificates, contact the Office of the University Registrar, 352-392-1374 or