Social Science/Humanities Courses (3 credit hours)
The following courses have been approved to fulfill the Social Science/Humanities requirement. Course offerings, however, are constantly changing, and thus not all courses that would potentially fulfill this requirement are listed below. Please contact the TCD Graduate Coordinator if you think a course you are taking (or are offering) may fulfill this TCD requirement. Kindly attach the course syllabus and a brief explanation of why the proposed course should be included on the TCD menu.
- AEB 5167 Economic Analysis in Small Farm Livelihood Systems
- AEB 7453 Natural Resource Economics
- AEB 6483 Seminar in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
- AEB 6645 Economic Development and Agriculture
- AEB 6933 Ecological Economics
- AEB 6933 L.A. Economic & Agricultural Development
- AEE 5073 Ag Resources, People, Environment
- AEE 6300 Affecting Change: Theory and Practice
- AEE 6316 International Extension
- AFS 6905 Migration and Development
- ANG 5266 Economic Anthropology
- ANG 5303 Women and Development
- ANG 5354 Anthropology of Modern Africa
- ANG 5701 Applied Anthropology
- ANG 5702 Anthropology and Development
- ANG 6186 Origins and Development of Agriculture in the Americas
- ANG 6261 Anthro GIS and Human Environment
- ANG 6303 Gender and International Development
- ANG 6930 Ethnobotany
- ANG 6930 Historical Ecology
- ANT 5256 Rural Peoples in the Modern World
- CPO 6036 Politics of Developing Societies
- CPO 6077 Comparative Social Movements
- ENV 6932 Global Environment and Policies
- FOR 5615 Forest Conservation and Management Issues and Policy
- FOR 6934 Conservation Behavior
- FOR 6934 Education for Sustainability
- FNR 5072C Environmental Education Program Development
- FYC 6230 Theory in Community Development
- GEA 6419 Geography of South America
- GEA 6466 / LAS 6938 Seminar on Amazonia
- GEO 5809 Geography of World Agriculture
- GEO 6118 Contemporary Geographic Thought
- GEO 6931 Seminar on Cultural and Political Ecology
- GEO 6938 Geography of Development and Environment
- GEO 6938 Cultural and Political Ecology
- GEO 6938 Economics for Conservation
- GEO 6938 Food and Agriculture in Africa
- GEO 6938 Seminar on Climate Change
- INR 6039 International Political Economy
- INR 6352 International Environmental Relations
- LAH 5527 Andean Nations
- LAH 5934 History of Amazonia
- LAS 6938 Anthropology of Development
- LAS 6938 Cuban Agriculture
- LAS 6938 Gender and Development in Latin America
- LAS 6938 Human Rights in Latin America
- LAS 6938 Infrastructure, Development and Society
- LAS 6220 Issues and Perspectives in Latin America
- LAS 6938 People/protected Area
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Economics for Sustainable Dev.
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern Latin American Studies: Education in
Latin America - LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Environmental Catastrophes
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: History of Brazil
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Indigenous Ontologies
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Latin American Politics
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Masculinities, Gender, Enviro.
- LAS 6938: Seminar in Modern LAS: Visual Ethno Storytelling
- LEI 5255 Outdoor Recreation and Park Management
- LEI 6834 Ecotourism
- LEI 6839 Heritage Tourism
- PAD 6865 Development Administration
- POL 6933 Peasants
- POS 6933 Policy of Development
- POS 6933 Water Politics
- POS 6933 Environmental Politics
- PUP 6008 Public Policy Analysis
- PUP 6015 Comparative Policy Analysis
- REL 5195 Religion, Ethics and Nature
- REL 5937 Religion and Nature in Latin America
- REL 6037 Nature in Western Religions
- REL 6107 Core Seminar Religion and Nature
- REL 6125 Religion and Politics in the Americas
- REL 6181 Ethics and Natural Sciences
- REL 6183 Religion and Environmental Ethics
- REL 6358 Native Religions of the Americas
- REL 6387 Religions in Latin America
- SUR 6427 Land Tenure and Administration
- SYA 7933 Crime and the Environment
- SYA 7933/LAS 6938 Environmental Governance
- SYA 7933 Seminar on Environment and Society
- URP 6905 Introduction to International Development
- WIS 6578 Human Dimensions of Biological Conservation
- WST 6348 Ecofeminism
- WST 6935 Gender, Development, and Globalization