Simone Athayde

Faculty and UF Leader, Amazon Dams Network (ADN)
Center for Latin American Studies
381 Grinter Hall, PO Box 115530
Gainesville, FL, 32611-5530
Phone: (352) 273-4729

Research Interests

Achieving excellence in collaborative inter- and trans-disciplinary research and communication, towards reconciling social justice, biodiversity conservation and development locally and globally.​ Core research interests and focus include environmental anthropology, democratization and de-colonization of scientific knowledge, the role of indigenous knowledge systems in Amazonian conservation and development, inter-, transdisciplinary and participatory research, social-environmental governance, and public participation in decision-making.

Geographic Expertise

Amazonian region, Brazil, Latin America

Curriculum Vitae


Simone Athayde is an environmental anthropologist and interdisciplinary ecologist, who has carried out extensive research and training activities in collaboration with Amazonian universities in Brazil. At the University of Florida, Simone is an Associate Research Scientist in the Center for Latin American Studies and Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) Program. She is the UF Leader of the Amazon Dams Network (ADN), a World Social Science Fellow of the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and a lead author and expert for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Her research interests include conservation of biocultural diversity, inter- and transdisciplinary research and practice, indigenous knowledge systems, and participatory research and management of social-ecological systems. Her work has been recognized with awards from both the Center for Latin American Studies and TCD Programs, from the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) at the University of Florida, from the Ministry of Culture in Brazil, and from the International Society of Ethnobiology.​