TCD Conference Funding

The TCD Program announces a competition for conference funding for TCD students presenting a paper or poster at an academic conference or meeting. The semi-annual competition is held each Fall and Spring semester. Awards of $400 (amount updated in 2023) or less will be given each semester. The number of awards to be released depends on availability of funds. TCD Conference Funding is made possible by an endowment from The Ford Foundation and the State of Florida. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be enrolled in the TCD Certificate Program
  • Preference may be given to those that have never received or have not received a TCD Conference grant in the last 2 years.
  • The paper/poster topic must fit within the context of advancing biodiversity conservation, sustainable resource use, and human well-being in the tropics, including sub-tropical and temperate areas in developing countries (e.g., southern Africa, southern cone of South America, Greater Himalayan region.)

Application Instructions

  • You will need to have the following prepared prior to filling out the application form:
    • Abstract of paper or poster as presented for the meeting/conference.
    • Proof of acceptance to the conference or meeting (this can be sent after the deadline if not available at the time of the application)
    • A short statement (200 words) of: 1) How fits within the context of advancing biodiversity conservation, sustainable resource use and/or human well-being in the areas where TCD focuses and 2) how being at this meeting will advance your career goals (this needs to be different than your abstract!).
  • Combine these documents into one single PDF in the order listed above
  • This PDF file should be named as per this example ‘last name_first name_TCD CONF_YEAR.pdf’
  • You will then upload this PDF at the end of the application form.
  • Note that you can stop filling the on-line application form and return to the form later BUT only if COOKIES are enabled on your browser and you do not clear the cache after you have started to fill in the application form.

Application Requirements

  • Application form (rev. August 2023)
  • Abstract of paper or poster.
  • Proof of acceptance to the conference or meeting.
  • A short statement (250 words) of how the presentation/poster matches the goals of the TCD Program.

Application Deadline:  April 8, 2024 and September 9, 2024

(Applications past the deadline will not be accepted). 


Patricia D. Sampaio
Program Coordinator
343 Grinter Hall

